April 26, 2006

Watching : CSI

I'm getting a set of Winsor&Newton color ink and some new nibs. I lost a whole box of them when I used them as a still life piece. Kinda suck.

I'm looking to get a dvd recorder, not sure if I'll be able to, I kinda want to record some show and stuff.. I'm looking forward to SuperNatural and Hex. :) But I can also load those, so we'll see how it goes.

I'm working on a new layout for crypticrain getting closer all the time, I just need to arrange some stuff and type in some details and such. It'll look good once it's done, I hope. :) I need to do some collaging as well as drawing, I want to, otherwise I won't do anything at all. I'm still reading DaVinci Code, I was reading the ebook till I sent my ipaq in for some repair, now I guess I'll have to reread from the top. should be fun.

April 14, 2006

watching : Psychic Witness

I went to the vid rental store today to returned what I rented yesterday, which were Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Doom. I intented to go earlier in the day, like in the afternoon instead of at night, but well, my mom decided to play hooky today so I got stuck at the store all day. It was quiet. Water Festival started on the 13th, however in northern part they play as early as the 11th. They usually play on the 18th and 19th here but well, they seem to be starting early this year cause they started playing now!

I found Dennis the Manace and Death to Smoochie!!! I loved those movies! I couldn't believe it, so I rented them both, I guess I'll figure a way to dub them and keep 'em since they don't have 'em for sell.

I'm figuring out some javascript so I can use it on my new layout, yeah figuring out cause I was too dumb to take the class while I was in school. I'm just not good with the stuff, the best I can do is trial and error as I try using them. Can't write them to save my life. LOL

I saw a spot for 'Supernatural' and it looks pretty good. I can't wait to see it. I'm watching Ghostwhisperer and Medium and CSI currently. Got Airgear ep 1 and 2 too... should be fun.

April 06, 2006

Watching : First Wives Club

Saw Ultraviolet today, it was fun!!! I loved it! Of couse the story was a little weak, action sequence makes up for it though. So they end up being vampire... interesting. I wanna see it again, probably the dvd, not in theater, don't have time as it is.

My dad asked if my laptop was good, and if it has other language, I said nope, it's pretty old now, he said he might buy me a new one (asked the price and everything) or something to that effect. Well, right now I can't get one for myself anyhow... BROKE... that's me.

After that 42" plasma tv, I'm still coughing up money to pay him back. Money don't grow on tree, ya know... which is too bad. LOL.

Bed time.. man I'm exhausted.

April 05, 2006

listening : Goodbye My Lover [James Blunt]

I went and see Inside Man last night, it was 10:10pm show, and I was gonna go by myself, since none of my friends could make it, but then I came home and well, the girl that works at the front here just finished her shift, so I dragged her instead. She's cool about these kind of crap, she didn't even know which movie I was going. LOL

I can't wait to see Ultraviolet though.. man, it's gonna be so good. And also Ice Age 2 : The Melt Down and Basic Instinct 2 good movies!!

So I guess maybe this weekend or if I can get my mom to let me go, tomorrow afternoon. LOL.

Otherwise I'll be going to see Ultraviolet next week. I don't like going to the movie during the weekend, the thought of me having to fight for a seat just isn't so appealing, been there done that, although I rarely see a movie that is completely fill to the brim with people, I just don't like people, they are inconsidered and on a few occasions I sat near those people that think they are the only one in the theater, talking loud, eating loud, giving blow by blow comment to each other, I wanna kill those people.

Anyhow, I'm working on a new layout for Crypticrain.com and I think I'm gonna centralized it, my fanfic sites, my blog my other miscellaneous stuff gonna be all there, so it'll be easy to find, or rather easier for me to keep track of.

It's almost done, just getting the html files ready and so, tomorrow at the store I'll try to do that, while I write the fics too... yeah I've been writing, not a lot in one sitting but it's pretty good, better than what I've been managed when I wait to get home to write anyway. I have enough to post now I think, just a bit of fine tuning and we got a post!

Hey Cin, how ya doing???