Status: Playing around with the setting
Listen: Hit The Ground [ 6 Gig ]
I'm a bit pissed off now, it's my birthday and no one can be bothered to give me a call. (I'm online how can anyone call, but that's why I have caller ID and voicemail damnit!!) I have 2 Nyquils in front of me right now and still deciding whether or not to take it now or wait a little bit, the last thing I want right now is falling asleep and hit my head on the keyboard. A story is still quietly lurking on my harddrive and I need to get some of it done before school, knowing me I won't be able to do anything creative till at least the second week of school, so better get more done now before my readers hunt me down, don't you think?
[ X: wanting a new pair of boots for her birthday ]
Status: At home with nothing to do
Listen: More Human Than Human [ White Zombie ]
I woke up earlier extremely dehydrated, I guess it's the med I took last night. I was asleep for maybe 12 hours, still I feel a bit groggy. (that's why they called it being sick!) Woke up way too many time during the night. It's my birthday today and well, great start already (sacasm.) I suppose I'll spend the day like I usually do, doing nothing. After some badgering about a page, I finally did a quick index page for my cousin, now he's happy about it. Let's wait and see if I can make people happy today (anyone other than me.)
[ X: being grumpy ]
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