Status: enjoying myself
Listen: the tv droning in the background
Well, I grabbed the wrong damn stand... instead of vertical stand I grabbed the horizontal.. (ok, so I wasn't reading) I just wanted to get the hell out of there as quickly as possible so... tomorrow I'll go to my karate class and will stop at best buy to exchange it. Or just return it, I'm not sure, though the vertical stand would be great right now, since I have no space to just stuff the damn console in... BestBuy, Circuit City and Target seemed to be out of PS2, surprising, well, actually probably not, since the price drop I could just see people go out and get it. So, I'll be like a kid with new toy (which I am with a new toy) and play with it for the next... whatever.. Still reading Obsidian Butterfly, yeah, slow, but I've been reading it during lunch and not at home.. which will explain why it takes me this long and still not done yet, and also... if I get it done real quick mean I will have to go and get a new book. Not quite what I wanna do at the moment. I'll be paying for my sparring gears.. (yes!! another new stuff) next week. Think they are Century Classic gear.. not sure, I didn't ask.
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