July 20, 2002

Status: more than ready for bed
Listen: nothing

At the mall today I was about to get the incense holder.. they got the dragon ones.. those are cool! There were also several different ones that hold the cone kind, which will be really cool, I might get both who knows. I think I'll get one for Chris though I will have to ask which one she prefer the stick or the cone cause if she has a bunch of incense which are sticks then the cone holder are just no use, (nice dragon ones though) Anyway, why is it that I always think of her, but I very much doubt that she thought of me as often. I guess it is because that she doesn't really care. That's just how I feel anyway. It is scary to be feeling this much for someone when you feel that you might be the only one in it. And maybe I'd be right to say that I am the only one in this. Last on the list, a long one at that.

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