August 24, 2002

Status: Cold
Listen: rain

Guess who was online today, oh yeah, no one else. A surprise, seeing how she always give me shit about being online. I didn't say anything and she certainly did not say anything. I figure she would just ignore me like she did, usually. So I went about my business. Then she IMed me, telling me that she got a new bathing suit, finally. Even gave me the url so I could see what it looked like. Great, what am I suppose to do with the information? I mean, it's quite enough to know that she got a new bathing suit. She said that it looked kinda like Cammy from Street Fighters (I think that was it.. ) And so now everyone else was calling her that. I just said ok. I'm not interested. She probably thought that it was funny, but since I didn't see the humor in it, she simply left. Big f-cking deal. She should know that I don't always wanted to know. True that I care about her, about what she does, but right now, I'm not in the mood to be all cheery with her. Why should I care when she doesn't give a shit about me anyway. Only when it suits her. I'm sick and tired of it. Everything, life's a bitch and you gotta learn to live with it. Ri-ight. Everyone looks for me when they needed something to be done. Only then, all the other time, I can go to hell for all they care. Tired of being the doormat. Maybe if I go live in a cave, I won't have to deal with people.

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