I had to get up at 8 on Sunday morning! It was the damn tournament, you know thing just sorta sneak up on you when you least expected it. There was midterm review, which went pretty well, if I can go by the indication that I got from the group, but then I don't really know, sometimes it was up to the mood of the instructor. Which suck majorly.
Ok, tournament...
I got there around 9, walked around for a while, seemed like they weren't being too organized.. I'm thinking that they were trying to keep people there for as long as possible, because the big crowd usually from the kid's parents, and so, if you finished the kids stuff early then they would all be gone in a blink of an eye. Thus they mixed it up, it was like controlled chaos.
I didn't place in kata.. I slipped and I didn't bother to restart, just wanted to get it over with, seeing how I've only had brown belt for now even a month yet, a complete new form and all that. One of the black belt that was judging was saying if I would only slow down a little. Which I could understand, I got used to Sensei Stella telling us to go from 1 pinan.. ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) then kata ( 1, 2, 3 ) then The Crane and such.. so there were 10 forms also to go through in a short period of time.. naturally you go through them fast.
Sensei Stella said she was watching and I did good, she also saw me slip a little. Damn hardwood floor.
That was sweet! I took 1st place.
People tend to use their legs and not hands too much, kicks got in easier and from distance I guess that was why. So, I normally got real close and use hands, I don't back up. And I pretty much just shot out in a front to knuckle to the face or back fist and that's that. Of course one girl just came right into it and so I hit her in the mouth, but then she kicked me in the arm and upper thigh so it's even.
We all took 1st place in sparring, all Sensei Al's nieces and nephews..
I got ther at 9 and left at 3:30, starved.
Now I'm just tired.
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