July 21, 2005

Reading : Post Mortem [ Patricia Cornwell ]

I finsihed HP: tHBP the death of the character surprised me.. although I can see how it would set up the last book, from here on it'll be even more difficult for Harry, I can't wait to see the last installment of the series. And it'll be another year.. HA!

I got the book through a bookstore here there are a few chain store that would sell them in English, what I didn't like was that I got the British one, they got 2 covers for the book, they didn't even ask which one I wanted.. I opted for the child's cover cause my other ones were. But I would really like American's version of it. Apparently my aunt got me a copy too.. so it's cool, if not I can always cough up another 750 and get another copy.. which I'm incline to do just for collection purposes.

So, now, back to a new layout, I ought to upload it tonight..

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