September 18, 2009

desktop : off to be upgraded

I'm on my laptop right now, which I had to bring back from the store, since my desktop was off to be upgraded this morning. I'm upgrading ram, processor, power supply, and a bit here and there, not eveything. I'm not getting anew monitor either, since I like my old 19" one. I wouldn't know what to do with a bigger one otherwise, and what the hell am I gonna do with a perfectly good monitor if I get a new one. Throw away seems like a lot of waste.

I'll change when it's no good anymore, but not a moment before.

So, now I can't do a few things from this, I can't do anything with the website, since I don't have proper files and program on here. Though it was more of a no files on here. Can't scan either. I have to do the sign for a friend, though. I still can't figure it out what I wanna do. So, it'll be later tonight (it's later enough already, though) I'll do a few research too.

Face-up is slowly coming along, while I read through a few tutorials, I'm also trying to figure out how I wanna do it, and what I'm comfortable with.

A lot of learning process, let me tell you.

Well, off to do other things.

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