Status: on break
Listen: my MD mix
I should be getting my stuff from my parents the end of this week or beginning of next week. Can't wait... it'll be so cool to have the play only unit so I don't have to take my player/rec unit around, my backpack always take abuse, true that I don't toss it to the floor or kick it like some would, but still... being in art classes meant there are always accident waiting to happen, as it already did with my e-wire Oakley And seeing how they don't have e-wire in store anymore I will either have to order them on their site, though I'm more inclinde to get c-wire at the moment (light, ice.) I bought the c-wire for Chris, but with dark frame (gunmetal, dark red lense.) Ruby looks good, but won't be on my face, beside I like blue so much better. Still, I like my e-wire. By the end of today we're over with Printmaking, I'm gonna miss that class, seeing how I spent so much time in it. And next worry will be the paper, I'll hammer it out at least half of it tonight and then I'll be worrying about papermaking and then science. (funny how science takes backseat, but that's just because I didn't like the class.) I can't wait for the classes and finals to be over, I'm dying for some break, been operating on very little sleep and a lot of worries. Weird dreams are common right now and the guilt trip isn't helping the matter. Oh well, life sucks and then you die.
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