Status: ready for bed
Listen: nothing just the TV
Let's see, I won the bet, Angie didn't call me back, and she said she will. I think she assumed that it would mean Chris, that she will tell Chris to call me back, but what I meant was that for her to call me back, which is never! Anyway, she said she had till midnight, but it's past midnight. I won. Does that mean she owes me $5? I guess. But then, Angie doesn't have any money. Sucks! Why the hell did I agree to the bet. I need to get something... but I don't remember what, oh man! And tomorrow, have to go in to school and drop off the books and also the paper. Check on the stuff and see if I can assemble them and then I have to finish up the fairytale and then start assemble the artistbook. Busy, busy, busy.
Chris said that I actually scrared her. I guess it's because I never actually snapped at her like that before. I mean I do get all snappy, but not like this. I usually have a hell of a lot more self-control. It also because of the fact that she lives so far away and I don't get to talk to her often enough as it is, so if I get angry it won't mean much, she won't know, she won't see me. I don't make sense. Well, she'll be here. I thought I'd get to see her sooner, I guess I'll have to wait. I was gonna say if I could visit, but since she gonna be here.. what's the point of a visit. Well, there is, I get to see her a little more. Hey, just wishful thinking.. mine.
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