Currently: getting ready for the trip
Doing: watching the making of LotR
I'll be going to MO again on Tue, and well, my dufflebag will still be in use for my karate class till Monday night, so as of right now I cannot empty it and pack, so I'll be packing on Monday night and I'll be skipping Tue morning class.. not that I care too much about that one. As of right now I'm looking forward to it.. I wasn't sure if I was excited about that before, though. Had a conversation with her last night.. um.. not so much of conversation when it's just her talking and me listening. She was giving me the summary of what had been happening to her and such. Then at the end of it she managed to give me crap about me, that I'm almost always depress and she cannot be with someone like that, well, guess what, didn't think it'll happen anyway, but it still annoying. I just told her that she doesn't know that I am depressed or not and how often, so just stop and go on with the story (basically told her to shut the hell up.) Anyway, I'm too busy for that, I'm going to the dojo at least 4-5 times a week for class and sparring, and it's school, home, school, dojo then after that I'm just too tired to do much. I can honestly say that she doesn't really know me anymore.
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