November 02, 2002

'I will meet the sorrow that is mine. I know what can and cannot be.'
Allegra: Love Spell

I finally got the book that I've wanted. I had it before, a gift, but it had been returned to the original owner. Well, now I have a copy. I went to see The Ring last night with Jamie.. and wow! That was good, though I probably will only see it once, more than that it loses its charm (if you could call it that) Though the main character is quite.. um... easy on the eye. (so I like blonde blue eyes... so sue me.) I've spent today reading alternate with cutting the mattboard up.. 1 big mattboard gives me 20 8"x8" sq. so now I have 40 and I still need another 30 for this thing to complete in size.. and after that it's the dance that we all familiar with.. trying to fit things and make it work. My black gi came in, but I have no money till next week, so I told my sensei that I'll give her the money for it on Friday she said not to worry about it. She said she'll arrange for the seminar on weapon for January probably, probably sword.. I wouldn't mind learning the form for sai though.

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