March 23, 2003

Listening : Decompression Period [ Papa Roach ]

I got to the High School gym that they held the tournament at 8 frickin' AM. I was early, no one was there yet so I went and drove around for a few more minutes then came back, then they started setting up. I took 3rd in sparring.. it was the roundhouse to the head, I was concerned that I would actually do the back fist and actually hit the headgear.. (they are more strick about that this year it seemed) Thus.. I lost she got the 3rd point before I did. Anyway, I stayed till Jr Black Belt did their weapon kata.. the nunchuck looks pretty good right now. I can handle the sais, handle as in flipping them in both hands and such.. not that there are many ways to hold them. 19" chromed steel. Anyway, back to school tomorrow.. and I'm looking forward to the training. I have to get better.

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