March 12, 2003

Listening : Taking Over Me [ Evanescence ]

Ok, it's been uneventful days for the past couple of days and blogger still being annoying, it won't upload my entries, and I'm not sure why. Spring Break is next week and guess where I'm going! NO WHERE!!! I'll be spending my week working on the SS project which they trashed me for. God I hate school, the classes are unproductive. Except maybe Figure Drawing, I'm trying to break out of my habit in that class and so far it was starting to work. As long as we get decent looking model in I don't care. As for other classes, all I can see is.. total waste. I need the credit though, so not much can be done there. Karen had been telling me how much she hates the school right and and well, I feel the same. All the money you spent and you learn absolutely nothing new.

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