Karen came over today to work on her wedding album, we got a few pages done, she was telling me that it's one of the life time thing, so I asked if she had seen Hope Floats and refered to the scene where Sandra Bullock started working at the 1h photo place and the machine screwed up the film and the print, so 1 of the rolls came out with nothing but black, then her highschool class mate who was the one that dropped it off was throwing hissy fits, saying how it was one of the life time deal that they are not replacable, then Birdy (SB character) told her there will be another time since this was like her 4th marriage.. then her friend hiss, it's her 5th, but they all have different theme.. I thought that was really funny. I didn't see that movie valuntarily, we wanted to see movie and it was the only one that was there at that time, so we saw it. Not that bad, just that I wouldn't have seen it otherwise.
Learned new kenpo, no name though, and be reminded of the quick hand one and the other one that Sensei Lenny taught us one night after sparring, the one ones that got them were me, Cat, Dmytry. I got the basic ideas, but I forgot the details.. like where the hand actually go, stuff like that. I should get a notebook for this, I think I will.
'I don't want a thing from you bet you're tired of me, waiting for the scraps to fall off of your table to the ground'
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