July 31, 2003

Listening : You're So Last Summer [ Taking Back Sunday ]

I got 4 and 5 Pinan, and 3 combinations.. I remember both form from the beginning to end, but the combinations.. I only remember 2 out of 3, which is not bad considering I got it today. Earlier my friend asked how was my karate class.. and well, I told her I got 1 more form.. (that was before class today) she said that's it? I was like what do you mean, that's it? So I told her, so far I have 8 katas (including tonight it's 9) 16 combinations, 15 kenpos, 12 of the animal tech, 5 different tech for each grabs.. (front, back, wrists 1 and 2 hands, lapels) 2 bear hugs, variations of headlock, fullnelson.. variations of defense against club and knife.. what do you mean that's it?! I told her she should come see the class sometimes.. though I knew for certain that she wouldn't even jump in, she has this thing about not getting hurt.. Guess I shouldn't have showed her the bruises.. but then you conditioning yourself, ya know.

The muscle I pulled felt better now, but I still need to be careful while doing push up. I'm thinking of a new layout for the blog and also a notebook for all my karate stuff.. I know if I don't do it often I'll forget, and well, I better write it down, I guess. I saw Tomb Raider last night, I loved it! Loved the ending.. ^_^. Just how cocky he was being, I was so glad she didn't let him get out of there. 'nough spoiler... I can't wait for Underworld though.

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