February 13, 2004

I don't feel so good.. argggg...

Had really weird dream last night.. about me.. and a few friends, they were I guess gonna go swimming or something and I didn't want to, but we were standing at the ledge water up to our waists and one of my friend had to get by me.. so I ducked and she tried to step behind me, I slipped.. fell right in.. and it was like it won't stop and I couldn't see the bottom.. then I kicked something and came back up..

Then I woke up.

Weird.. I don't like it.

Then it was a bunch of other stuff..


Work tomorrow.. bed now..

Oh wait!

Cin : So your keyboard is fine.. good.. :) I got a few more ED and SMG layouts, I just never upload it onto the site.. it was kept as a screenshot for my own record.. I'll show 'em to you though if you want.

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