February 27, 2004

Ok, so I took a test, didn't do too bad, but not too good either.. I got my 3rd stripe either way, though I should've done better.. oh well.. Do better next time.. I lost it on my last 2 kata.. that was just horrid.. I mean, jeez.. and I had it, I knew I had it.. then it just 1 move that I forgot, make it all crumble.. At least that is done now.. and on to the next thing..

I got an e-mail from her and she said the same old thing.. like always, I didn't reply it because I didn't have anything to say, I mean, she wanted something to read.. and I don't have anything to show her.. so I figure I'll e-mail her back later.. then I went to bed.. and well, you guess it.. another e-mail waiting for me right the next morning, saying I hate her now and she's not gonna bother me again.


I'm suppose to jump when she says jump?? Is that how it work now? She couldn't bother to call me back, but I can't not reply to her e-mail as soon as I got it? What am I? A doormat??!!

This is just f**ked up!!!

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