Status: brushing teeth
Listen: ---
Well, I'm tired. I went back to school for my printmaking, which I had to touch up with the hardground before start with the drawing on the plate, that wasn't so bad, except while I waited for the hardground to dry (took a very long time) I decided to prepare another plate, (beveling the edges, burnish the edges and the scratches) the scrapper slip a few times and well, so I got 3 cuts on the knuckles, then I stayed to pull a few sheets of paper (I had to) which I use the stack of orange paper that I have on my desk for ever, I rehydrate the paper, then mix the lint. I pulled probably 10 sheets of orange paper mixed with lint (the lint is blue.. so that complete the whole complementary color thing) I pulled 8 of those which I add more lint to build up the sheet... and then I add hair (mine) so I can get to the 3rd stage that my prof wanted.. (we can add anything but we have to have 3 sheets to show 3 steps) Anyway, I got them done and tomorrow I will pick them up and see if they are usable. *cross fingers* Then when I got home, I added anothe cut to my finger... a soda can.. 'nough said. Bled enough to make my finger sticky (which was the big signal for me to look at my hand) Oh yeah, and let see if Chris gonna call...
Status: getting stuff ready
Listen: nothing
I'm suppose to be in class right now, but I have too many things to do this morning so I showed up.. asked a few question then I left and got my haircut (I need the hair) and then got some color papers and now I'm cutting it to pieces and then I'll have to find some other stuff to add, so I can go in and get some stuff done this afternoon, still deciding whether or not to show up for printmaking.. *groan*
[ X: hate life ]
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