February 09, 2002

Status: Settle down
Listen: Sarah [ Devid Bowie ]

Got one part done and I still have Stardust to finish up, and soon, I might add. It is almost done, actually. A few more details in couple of scenes and it should be complete though I can never tell if suddenly I feel the need to add more scenes here and there and a bit more details, but whether or not that happens I'll know soon enough. I took a short nap and actually dream, I guess that was a good thing, though the dream of me trying to get a shower, taking off my shirt only to find that I still have more shirts underneath and wet hat on was very frustrating. I guess that's how I actually feel, though I was never good at interpret the dream anyway. No one is going to call me tonight for sure. My parents didn't call me back last week and I don't see why they would this week. I guess they are busy as usual. Oh well, I got a phone sitting on my bed, but no one to call or no one calls in. It's a good thing I have something else to occupy my time. Sadly I have no friend. Bed time soon, and maybe a few nyquils.

Status: Sleepy and bored
Listen: slient

I was doped up on nyquil last night, just so the pain in my head wasn't so bad, of course the loud conversation on the phone was waking me up, even with the haze the damn med put me in. Unbelievable how loudly some people speak over the phone, you would think the other side was deft. Well, I've been awake half a day now, but still I felt like I've just taken another 2 nyquil or something, I feel really sleepy and I don't know why. I taped the opening ceremony last night, not my intention, but Mon Ange called me up and asked me to (yeah and I dragged my sorry ass off my bed and tape it.. how pathetic) Then she told me to get some rest cause she was going out to dinner, yeah I was resting till the shrilly scream of my cellphone woke me up. She knew I was sick and she made it sound like she had no idea... or maybe she thought that it would just come and go over night. Oh well, who the hell cares anymore. I'm getting sleepier by the minute.. guess it'll be a good idea to just climb in bed now. I wrote more on Stardust, but I doubt I could get it out by Monday, the second part will be a little over 20 pages, but well, can't help that.

[ X: afraid to feel ]

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