May 09, 2010

new ep of LotS, Cara really rocks!!

Saw the latest episode of Legend of the Seeker for the second time a few min ago. I just couldn't take my eyes off of the screen when Cara lay a big wet one of Dahlia (old lover) Wow, so now she's Bi. And apparently they had had this relationship for a long time.

Love Cara.

As for Richard and Kahlan, well... our love are eternal.. blah blah blah.. yeah.. I only watch those scenes for Bridget Regan, it wasn't as steamy as it should be. Or maybe it's just me.

I was watching it on my laptop earlier and well, I was grinning like an idiot, but hey, I don't mind.

But poor Cara, got broken again. And Darken Ralh was telling her how insignificant she was, and that her 'family' would not be coming for her. A lesser woman might've flinch at that, but then this is Cara we're talking about.

She spit right in his face.

Now, I wanna know how he can hold the agiel without feeling the pain. Because he no longer has any magic. Um...

Oh yeah, Cara had a son. Wow.. um.. but when Kahlan asked, she snapped at her.

I gotta watch again, and wait for the next one with bittersweet feeling, I think.

I sorta can't wait for the next episode, and at the same time I don't want it to come. We don't even know if we gonna get 3rd season. I hope we do.

On another note, also saw Mistresses, man it's like watching Sex and the City, except not as beautiful people, horrible clothes, and the mentality made no sense to me. But then I only watch for Anna Torv, with eyeliner!!

She's the only thing worth watching in that one. *shudder* the rest's just forgettable. In fact, the faster I forget, the happier I'd be.

1 comment:

cho said...

Update Different Light, I'm still looking forward to the end of the story.