January 29, 2007

I'm watching (sorta) Mai Otome (again)

Just feeling like watching something with no angst. :)

I got Vidocq (French movie) which Hope pt.2 by Apocalyptica (feat. Matthias Sayer) was the ending credit. I read somewhere that it was rather creepy, but I don't really have the time to watch it right this moment, 'cause I get interrupted every five minutes. I don't watch any movie that require my full attention at the store anymore, really. It's sad. So, I watch anime. LOL.

I still have Madlax to watch, as well as Ikkitousen. I kept trying to watch them before bed, but well, I never get to really watch, cause I was trying to sleep at the same time. LOL.

I'm writing, god I'm writing again, just this time it's Mai HiME Shizuru/Natsuki that's all. I'm trying to get back on the horse, so to speak. 'Cause if I don't start with something I won't.

Trying to fix the damn blogger coding on my html too... not going very well at the moment. Well, I'll try again.

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