March 14, 2008

At the hospital, again, second night staying with my parents.

Apparently, my father is sleep most of the day, due to the medication that they gave him. I guess it's better than him being in pain or vomiting his guts out. Now, it's my mother I'm worrying about. It's not good for someone to stay with the patient 24/7, stress level is too high.

And my aunt won't stop shooting her mouth off.

She just doesn't know when to stop, she wants what she wants when she wants the way that she wants it. Even when it wasn't her business. I'm stop dancing to her tune, my mom still is to some extend. But I'm sure that will end as soon as she saying the shit she said to my mother's face, she's said to someone else though.

What. A. Bitch.

When the doctor give us a go to take him home, we're taking him home. I'm sure she'll fight to take him to her place, and I'll tell her to fuck off. Bad enough that she wanna prolong his pain, (but dull it by wanting to give him drugs) and it's all for herself and not for him, nope, nothing to do with other people, it's for her.

I'm so sick of her now, this is why I never gone by that way for years.

I need to occupy myself or I'll go nuts.

The stress make me sick, my head kept spinning and my sinuses hurt.

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