May 19, 2004

Finally, I'm done with school and I mean DONE!!

The final review was on Monday, my time was at 4PM. For senior we have the show over at the gallery downtown, means we have to content ourselves with finding the parking when we go there. There's a parking garage, but I'm not sure where that is.

So, I got there almost an hour early, because I always do. Just in case I got stuck, couldn't find parking I still have time. So I got there and unlike the usual occurance.. they were early. Yup, the committee was early in their review, it's like once in a blue moon, let me tell you. At midterm they started it late.. and I mean late.. 30 min late and when the schedule is 15 min per person.. it didn't help, it was like a mad scramble. But suddenly they were early, maybe they just wanna get it over with, I know I did.

So I got there Amy was 2 persons before me and she was next, so I thought, well, I got about 30 min, which mean I'll be out of there before 4, which is all good.. but then they skipped Gorette, cause she wasn't there, but they were 20 min before her scheduled time. So, they came right to me.

They liked my book.

So, I'm happy about that, I've been dreading it.. and kinda scared. I mean if I didn't get the grade then it's another damn semester and I'm sick of school. Anyway, I got out of there waaaaaaaaaaay before 4 and feeling pretty good. But now I'm just all burnt out.

I did a few sketches for Faith and Buffy to-be comic.. and a new layout for my homepage and writing at the same time. Well, I don't have school to deal with anymore, so it's cool.

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