October 27, 2009

long awaits movie : Intensity

This was made for TV movie, and I've been waiting for it to get on DVD, VDO or anything, anything at all since 98 (the movie was showed on FOX in 97) And nothing, not a thing. I can't find it.

I looked for it on Amazon for the longest time. Had it been on DVD I would've bought it in a heartbeat, but alas, it was not.

And I've been looking for it on bittorent as well, anything really.

Finally, yesterday, I thought about it, so I thought, what the hell, I search for it, just in case.

And Voila!!

There was 1, the seeding was horrible, but after a day and a night, I got about 75% of it. I can't wait!!

Now, this is all w/o knowing if it's the right one, too. I hope it is.

New Laurell K. Hamilton book, damn, I didn't read the last three, because it got to be more of a soft porn than novel. She should really decide what she wanna write. I mean, dude, how many guys can a girl sleep with. I like her earlier Anita and not now Anita. And all those men around her. I don't like Nathanial, he's weak, and needy, well, actually just about every men around her are. It sucks. I'd rather see Edward hack and slash through them all.

I'd rather see her with JC. At least JC has a sense of humor.

I think I'm gonna stop reading, and I won't even start one the last three I already bought, I feel like I wasted enough money on it.

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