December 03, 2009


I was watching L&O SVU season 5 again last night, and saw the first ep that Casey Novak showed up as their ADA, it was... so weird!

The transformation of Novak's hair within 40+ min of the show. It's like they are trying to show her assimilation into the SVU through her hairdo.

Well, I like her, not as much as Alex Cabot, cause you know.. gorgeous, blond, smart, and god she's sexy in the court room (yes yes yes, weird, I know, but I like blonds, blue eyes.) So, I'll be watching reruns of L&O for the kick of it. I never really pay attention much during the first run, but hey.. good to watch the old thing, see if you miss anything.

Ordered some more eye, this time glass. We'll see if I'm gonna use them. But then, They are all in blue tones. :D

I put fur wig on Dillon again last night.. man, big hair!

He looks good either way.

Pick up some fabric today, and lost my Buddha not really a fair trade. But what am I gonna do. Life suck, but whatever.

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