February 19, 2003

Well, Blogger still giving me a hard time about the Error 104, so my archive page looked really weird, but this will be down by Friday night at midnight.. though that would mean that I need to come up with something.. and quick! On the other note.. a friend of mine is visiting, coming into town this Wed, she really want to get the hell out of there I guess... (why would ya wanna be in New England this time of the year is beyond me... snow, freezing cold... um...) It'll be a bit warmer tomorrow, but still... Plan for this friday is cancelled... I have Sword Seminar from 6-8 but to track around in Boston all day before that not a nice image... ^_< Anyway... I also have another belt test next Wed.. I'm hoping that even though she actually comes in... It'll be later that night.. the belt test usually runs from 6 to about 7, but I'll get blue w/stripe... might take longer.. Jamie said he'll pick her up for me, but I still wanna be there to pick her up.. Oh well, we'll see...

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