March 15, 2003

Ok, so the new layout isn't really what I usually do, but I figure to cheer myself up I'll try something more cheery. Helga, kitty ya know I'm setting this up for some shock value, right. ^_^ I know you expecting that from me, but we'll see. I went to Worcester Art Museum with a friend today, I didn't have to, but she did. I figure what the hell, not that I'm doing anything anyway. She had to do it for Art History, I'm so glad I got it over with. We stopped, got some food and then I came home. Maybe I'll take a nap, or find something to read. I read a bit late last night which is why I'm kinda tired now. I hate getting up early. Just not my thing, never was. I don't know how people do it, get up early and happy to do it. x_X

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