June 21, 2003

Well, today I got the nunchuck form. Not that I remember anything 5 minutes after I was done.. will take more than 1 lesson, I know. It's the footwork.. I couldn't remember if I swing it up before turn or turn before.. oh well.

We were at B&N till about 1:20AM.. got Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. I know.. there was a line.. but I got the book anyway so who cares. I'll be reading that for the next day or so.. (I tend to just bury my nose in the book and don't put it down) Anyway, I'm looking for that song, I wish I can hear the lyric clearly, that way I can search it with the lyric, but all I got is .. 'I am the only way to go, I am the way to the future.' This just bugs me.

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