March 19, 2007

I found something I didn't think I would on Sat.

So, I was sick, yes, what else is new, and I still got dragged out so they can go shopping. Ok, so it was supplies shopping. On the way back I made a stop at the bookstore and usually I never find anything I read there, cause well, I long stop reading any novel in Thai (save for the precious few, like the 'Uma's Diamond that took about 10 years to write) But something caught my eye, a teenage romance novel thing. It marked at the top 'y-novel' and yes on the cover they have 2 girls. And another book, also marked y-novel has 2 guys. Anyhow, I bought one, interesting enough, cause it was Yuri novel and has a happy ending too. :) Although I probably wouldn't make it a habit of it.

I would post a summary but I doubt anyone would read. LOL

I still want that Nintendo Wii. *sigh*

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