January 26, 2002

Status: Headache
Listen: Nothing but my own breathing and I think that's as loud as I can take right now

There's no class today and I slept right through till noon, which was surprising really, I usually wake up several times during the morning if I sleep in. I spent the entire afternoon dealing with headache, which comes and goes, and also migraine. It's rather warm today, and the heat in the car made my migraine worse. I only stayed up this long because I had to make a phonecall, and that turned out to be unproductive, bad timing, isn't that the story of my life. The only good thing today would be hanging out with the kid, at least I can bitch as much as I want. Bought vol. 3-4 of Sarai. I've always love Shibata Masahiro's works. Ever since Blue Sonnet (I aqquired the manga years ago and even then the manga was already pretty old) I never get the chance to get my hands on the entire Akai Kiba series, which was a shame. Green Blood was good and Syncloid. Wish I could get my hands on all of his works, but that would be pretty hard, my sister will go back to school soon and I doubt I could get her to find those for me. Well, I can always try. Another thought popped in my head earlier this evening was... how people are pretentious, how they are nice to you because they wanted something from you... but that would be the thought that I would have to finish some other time, since my headache doesn't seem to let up, and bed will be the only thing that would help.

[ X: wishing was elsewhere ]

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