April 10, 2002

Status: sleepy
Listen: the tv..

I've been looking through some magazines for the ad that has artworks as a part of it. You'd be surprise how difficult it is to find one of those and the ones that I found I'm pretty sure that my prof won't accept, I'm just about to pull my hair now. Today someone IMed me and for the life of me I had no idea who she was, she mentioned that we hadn't been talking for a very long time, so I assumed that it was someone I used to talk to post-fan-fiction period. Anyway, she was gone before I can ask. I told Angie about it and then no more than 5 min later Chris got home.. told me I'm bothering Angie. That was just great, I'm bothering her, I'm bothering them both. And I didn't even talk to her for more than 5 min. If I talked to her for an hour or two while she was trying to do something then I won't be pissed over this, but I didn't. It gets old. I'm going to bed soon before I start screaming.

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